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What Is The Best Height To Cut My Grass In Middle Tennessee?

Believe it or not, mowing your lawn the right height is key to maintaining its health. Proper mowing is one of the easiest ways to encourage a vibrant, thriving lawn.

If you’re growing tall fescue in Tennessee and wondering the best height to mow it, you’re in the right place. Let’s break down the ideal mowing height for tall fescue grass and why it’s essential to cut it properly.

How Tall Does Tall Fescue Grow?

Tall fescue typically reaches heights of 3.5 to 4 inches. To measure, simply use a ruler to gauge the height of the grass from the soil to the tip of the blade.

This grass variety is known for its resilience and low maintenance needs. It’s drought-tolerant and requires less frequent fertilization, making it the most popular cool-season grass in Tennessee. However, mowing it at the correct height is still crucial for its overall health.

What’s the Best Mowing Height for Tall Fescue?

The recommended mowing height for tall fescue is between 3 and 3.5 inches. This is a safe range to maintain year-round. Since most mowers don’t go beyond 3.5 inches, setting your mower to its highest setting will help keep your grass at an optimal height.

To fine-tune your mowing schedule, refer to these guidelines from North Carolina State University’s TurfFiles:

  • March-May: Mow your tall fescue to 2.5 to 3.5 inches. Avoid cutting more than a third of the grass height at once, so you may need to mow weekly.
  • June-August: Set your mower to 3.5 inches, and don’t let the grass grow taller than 5 inches.
  • September-November: Aim for 2.5 to 3 inches.
  • December-February: Maintain a 3-inch height.

As a rule for proper lawn health, you should never cut more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time when mowing your lawn.

Cutting off more than a third of the grass blade can stress the plant, hindering its growth and potentially damaging the lawn; by only removing a third, you allow the grass to recover more effectively and maintain a healthy appearance. This is especially true in the extremely hot summer months in Clarksville, Tennessee.

When to Mow New Fescue Grass

If you’ve recently sodded or seeded your lawn, wait until the tall fescue reaches about 4.5 inches before mowing it. The first cut should be no shorter than 3.5 inches. Avoid cutting too much at once, as this can damage the young grass.

Before mowing new fescue, ensure your mower blades are sharp or new. Dull blades can tear the grass, which can be especially harmful to newly planted turf.

What Is The Best Height To Cut Bermuda Grass?

The best mowing height for Bermuda grass is typically between 0.5 and 1.5 inches, with most experts recommending to keep it around 1 inch for optimal health and density.

  • Variety matters:
    Different Bermuda grass cultivars may have slightly different ideal mowing heights, so check specific recommendations for your variety.

    Always use a sharp mower blade to ensure a clean cut.

  • Reel mower for lowest cuts:
    If you want to mow Bermuda grass extremely short, a reel mower is often preferred for the best results. Unlike traditional mowers which tear the grass, Reel mowers cut it like scissors. Most Reel mowers include a front roller that stabilizes the mower, keeping it level on uneven terrain and ensuring a consistent cut across the lawn and preventing scalping. 

Choose Logan Lawn Care & Landscaping for A Beautiful, Healthy Lawn

For comprehensive Clarksville lawn care, including weed control and fertilizer application, trust Logan Lawn Care. We offer personalized lawn care plans with no long-term contracts, helping you achieve the healthiest lawn. Start by requesting your free lawn analysis today!

(931) 624-9054